CSRA Business Lending is a private non-profit small business lending corporation serving businesses and banks throughout all of Georgia and South Carolina.
We are a Certified Development Company of the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) and were recently granted Accredited Lender Status through 2026 by SBA. ALP status is given to only to the top performing SBA-504 lenders nationally and allows us to streamline certain parts of the SBA-504 application and closing process, increasing our ability to assist small business customers.
Through lending arrangements with SBA, as well as the Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture, we have provided financing on over 980 projects totaling $925 million dollars for businesses in Georgia and South Carolina using these creative financing tools:
SBA-504 Loans
Provide low long term fixed rates and low down payments in partnership with a small business owners bank to businesses acquiring or constructing real estate for their business. The program reduces risk and provides benefits to both the business and participating bank.
SBA 504 can now be used for debt refinance!
CSRA Direct Loans
Provides loans up to $500,000 for growing or emerging businesses. Often funds smaller projects that provide a community benefit and may not meet the normal SBA eligibility guidelines.
Reliable Equipment Rental - Martinez, Georgia